A s a creative person myself, I am fascinated with what makes other like-minded types tick. Thanks for joining me today as I share an interview with San Diego-based Artist, Marilyn Mitchell
Name/Location - Marilyn Mitchell/San Diego, CA
Education - art school drop out, bachelor's degree in Nursing, Master's degree in Health Law
Describe your work in one sentence.
My work is influenced both by American culture and by my desire to be free.
If I'm not working at my part-time job, I have a delicious breakfast, read email, check some things online, write in my journal, do Nia for an hour for my spiritual sweat (check www.nianow.com if you don't know what Nia is), shower, go into my studio and work until lunch time. I listen to "Fresh Air" on NPR at lunch time, then I go back to the studio until I get hungry for dinner. My husband & I often cook together. After dinner we listen to music and I usually read.
On days I work, I try to do Nia before I go off to work. I work in an office building as an Education Consultant so I'm either teaching, doing research, consulting or attending meetings during the day.
What are your passions?
Art, dance, music, good food, health care, politics
What are your goals?
Since I have art and work I have two main goals. One is to make art that is like no other yet it describes our times and it will be valued as art with a capital "A" - "Art". I also want to become a Clinical Ethics Consultant because I think it would balance my art life well and I can help people settle ethical dilemmas in hospital settings. The field of medical humanities is flourishing and I want to be a part of it, too.
Who are your creative influences?
Robert Ryman, Ruppersberg, Jackson Pollack, Kiki Smith, Richard Serra
Are there any other relevant experiences that shaped who you are today and what you do?
Poverty as a child influenced me to make sure I have an income that does not depend on my art.
Is there anyone that you really look up to as an inspiration?
Debbie and Carlos Rosas (the founders of Nia), Mary Devereaux (a bioethics philosopher that is very thoughtful and was my teacher) and Bryan Liang (another teacher that is a physician, a lawyer and an economist - his existence proves a person can do everything well!)
What motivates you on a daily basis?
I had a near death experience at age 32 and I don't take a single day for granted. Do you have a "guilty pleasure" that you can't miss out on to get you going? Music
What's your working style?
I like to be isolated, I do not like any interruptions, except to eat. I work on a variety of pieces at once, usually I have at least two pieces in progress - often one is sculptural and one is 2-D. Do you work for 12 hours straight nonstop, or do you take lots of breaks? If my husband is not home - I work 16 hours straight and just take meal breaks.
What are your websites/social networking links?
My website is at www.marilynmitchell.net and my blog is at http://bioethicalmatters.com/ I am also on Facebook

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