As a creative person, it fascinates me to discover what makes other like-minded souls tick. Check out the work of Dallas Artist Linda Bourgault. Linda has an uncanny knack to manifest grace and gentle wisdom in all of her work, whether it be painting or photography. She is fantastically prolific. We will be showing work together this Saturday night at Kettle Art Gallery during the ArtHash exhibition. If you're local, come check out some amazing artwork by 50+local artists and what's sure to be a night that will leave you with some stories to tell...

Name/Location: Linda Bourgault, Design District, Dallas, Texas
Education: Art, Southern State College, Magnolia, Arkansas
Radio/TV/Film, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Hometown: Hot Springs, Arkansas
Tell me about your work in one sentence.
I live to create and create to live!
Describe your normal day.
What's normal???
My day begins with meditation, eating a healthy breakfast, write morning pages, take care of business, emails/social networking, and phone calls, work in my studio a minimum of four hours, but usually 8 - 10 hours, and often times much longer... as long as the muse stays with me I keep going. I take breaks along the way, but if everything is flowing I keep painting, shooting or processing images. I make time for friends and family... meet for lunch or do something different so life never gets dull and recharge my batteries. I don't do boring worth a damn!
What are your passions? Art, nature (water whether oceans, lakes or rivers), cinematography, exploring, learning, living authentically, imagination, people (their stories/life experiences) and helping others. I'm dedicated to helping others to help themselves, especially to tap into their creativity which enhances everyone's life whether you a child, adult, CPA, engineer, artist or homemaker.
What are your goals? To be self sustaining as an artist and photographer; continue exploring my fascination with visual poetry as an intuitive and emotional response to imagery in form and materials; develop national/international gallery representation, solo exhibits; continue formal study & training; participate with a trade only gallery and/or interior designers; continue to explore and learn from the rhythms and sensuality offered in nature; develop and offer creative workshops; donate art to charities; join or establish a non-profit organization promoting creative enrichment for youth and adults and to share my vision of 'visual poetry' and how it enhances ones life.
Who are your creative influences? Photographers: Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Scot Miller, Alfred Steiglitz, Edward Steichen, Paul Strand, Dan Burkholder and Jan Skulpin-Burkholder Artists: Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Billy Keen. Architecture: Goudy and Frank Lloyd Wright.
How do you set the table for your muse? Show up every day to do the work. I always listen and move to music when I paint. Sometimes I sit quietly for awhile just musing or take a walk... I need the organic 'connection' which takes me away from my work and then reconnects me to it. Call it a filtering process that removes mental debris which opens me up further to remaining in the 'now.' This is what helps keep me grounded and focused and frees my imagination.

Are there any other relevant experiences that shaped who you are today and what you do?
How much time do we have? Maybe I should write a book...
There are so many people and experiences that have impacted my life ranging from tragedy to ecstasy as well as the simple to the complex in daily life.
My family... especially my Mom and Dad instilled love along with responsibility, accountability and appreciation for nature. My late husband... always do your best, trying isn't good enough, persistence and tenacity pay off, and integrity. My Uncle Bob... encouraged me to read, learn and explore. I learn something from someone or something every day.
Is there anyone who you really look up to as an inspiration?
Celebrity or the expression coined by Andy Warhol, who said in 1968 that "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." isn't what I'm drawn to. Although I recognize it as having a strong influence in western society and it's troubling ramifications. I'm much more interested in substance and sustainability as an artist and an inhabitant of our planet.
The kind of people I find to be inspiring are those who practice persistence and tenacity, creativity, use their imaginations, dreamers, visualizers such as Mary Colter, Julia Cameron, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bill Worrell, Maya Angelou and Steve Jobs.
What motivates you on a daily basis?
My intense need, passion really, to tap the creative energy I've had building within me for so long... shooting and painting are the vehicles for utilizing this energy to create (art)! I also need to put food on the table and that's a HUGE motivator for me.
I do indulge daily in French roast coffee and a piece of dark chocolate. I call it my 'breakfast of champions' since I can't get my motor runnin' without it.
What's your working style?
When I'm shooting I keep working until I've captured the imagery I need. That can be as short as an hour or much longer depending upon whether I'm shooting for myself or for a client plus other variables. It's the same with processing images.
When I'm painting I block out a minimum of four hours at one go, but I prefer to block out an entire day or days totally dedicated to painting whenever possible... it just flows much better that way. Of course, there's always other things that need doing, so I take time for business and personal activities. Even though I do my best to maintain a regular schedule, whenever I'm 'in the moment' I keep going until I'm tired. So I may be up all night, work until mid morning and then sleep during the afternoon... it just depends .
What are your websites/social networking links?