Sunday, February 14, 2010

Custom-Ordered Children's Furniture

A client ordered a baseball-themed children's table and chair set for the upcoming ESD school auction. Well, the table got away before I could snap a photo of it, but here are the chairs. Most furniture that is custom-ordered from my studio is painted by my mom, Margie Sibrizzi. My mom has taught me so much about art starting at a very young age, and I still have so much to learn from her. She's also the only one in my family who will give me an honest critique. :) Mom has a knack for realism that words cannot describe. The fluidity and ease with which she paints is something I admire so much. I hope this furniture raises a lot of money for the auction which it was purchased for!


Gina Marie Dunn, Utopia Pkwy. Art Studio's Fan Box


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